Sunday, February 27, 2011

We aren't in Kansas anymore...

My husband just got his orders. We are moving to..... Drum Roll please.......

Shelby North Carolina!!
Where? Where is that? Yes, that is what I said too. 
It is right there....

Yup, that is where me and my little family is going to be moving too.  It is times when I discover where we are going to be living that makes me feel so small. It is so easy to get caught up in my family drama, and my life and all my so called problems, but when I found out we are moving to a place I have never even heard of that makes me stop and think. There are millions of people, billions even. And I am one person, one small person.

Well, I'm not a small person, hehe. This is the only picture that sums up what I was feeling. Yup, I'm a 'small' person running her fat butt with a kite. Can't you see the meaning? Don't you get what I'm feeling? No? Oh, okay. I dunno then.

Michael and I have been researching and researching Shelby. We want our children to go to the best school. This is the first time we have ever had to think about such things. Before when we moved our kids were little and it wasn't a factor. Now we have to find the best school or schools and then find a house in that district. blah, blah, blah. 

It is very exciting though! I get a new house, a new canvas, a new slate!! I get to start from scratch, paint the walls, and make it my own!! Well, our own! So, I will be updating you on our journey over the next few months to find a house and uproot our family. 

It's going to be quiet an Adventure!!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun adventure! Joey has working going on there and hopefully more to come.
